I have lost my Password?
Please check your inbox. During the registration process we sent you an email with your Password. If you still not found it, please use the Forgot Password function
I have lost my PIN code?
Please check your inbox. During the registration process we sent you an email with your PIN code. If you still not found it, please use the Forgot PIN code function. See under Unlock and Edit in your Taggisar.
I can not register the sticker
If you do not reach the form to enter your information you might scanning or going to the wrong link. If you reach
Ruth Smith you are looking at our example stickers outside the package. Open the package to find your own unique stickers. If you just reach some Google search result in your browser, enter the full link including http:// in the address field of your browser.
What is MASTER ICE sticker
This is the ICE sticker you would like to be copied or linked to when using multiple stickers with same info. Unlock your sticker, go to Settings and then click Set as MASTER ICE.
Should I Copy or Link to MASTER ICE
If you Link to MASTER ICE, then you only have to edit your info in the Master. It will be changed in all of them linking to it.
If you Copy from MASTER ICE, then you can modify and have slightly different information in your stickers. Stickers in more public places might not have all your details. Stickers in your wallet can have all your details.
I want multiple stickers with the same info
Make sure you have created an account and that you are logged in. If not click
Fill in your information in one of the stickers. Scan or go to your next sticker. On the top of the page there will be a link that says click to copy the information from your previous sticker.
I want multiple stickers that always has the exact same info
Fill in your information in one of the stickers. Scan or go to your next sticker. On the bottom of the page there will be a link that says "Connect ICE". Click that link and then in that form that pops up, enter the link of your previous sticker. This will connect these stickers to each other. If you edit your information, it will be updated in both of them.
How do I unlink my Taggisar?
You login at http://taggisar.com/login with your username and account password. Here
you will see a list of all your Taggisar. You can see which ones that has been linked or not.
You click the one you would like to unlink. If the Taggisar is locked, you click Unlock to Edit,
and then after unlocking, click Connect ICE. Here you will see the current link it is linked to. Remove the url so the form becomes empty. Click Check and then click Save. Now your Taggisar is unlinked.
How does the Alarm function works?
An SMS or Email will be sent to your ICE contacts. The message will include a link to your Taggisar with your information and with a link to map showing your current position.
Who is charged for the SMS?
We have a fair usage policy for the SMS. As long as we see the SMS is only used in case of an emergency it will be free. The SMS messages are sent from our server. For any misuse or abnormal usage we will ask for payment of SMS credits.
How can I delete my info?
All the information you have saved into a Taggisar can easily be deleted. Under Settings you click 'Clear this Taggisar'
Any other question?
Send us the question by using the form